By Kenneth Jackson

By Kenneth Jackson

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Me??--have a blog!! Are you really sure Lord??

Since this is the first posting for my blog, I felt like I needed to explain to you how it came into being.  Last fall, after doing a Kairos prison ministry weekend, I began to send e-mails to family and friends about the women I had met at prison.  Everyone was very interested in hearing about what God is doing inside the prison walls in the lives and hearts of men and women.  I would also send out e-mails about different messages that the Lord was putting on my heart to share--things that were not about prison ministry.  Sometime in the fall, my niece Allison, who has a blog--lullabylubbock-- suggested having a blog.  At the time, I knew nothing about the world of blogging and had no idea how to do it--especially since I am so computer illiterate!!!  All I knew to do was pray and ask God that if it was something He wanted me to do then He would have to make it crystal clear.  That is exactly what happened!!  In March, after sending out a prison e-mail, a friend of mine, Susan (who is a technology expert) responded and said that she sent my e-mails onto other people and she felt like there were other people who would be blessed by receiving them.  Then she asked if I had ever considered having a blog and she knew how to do it and it was easy!!!  I told her she had just given me my crystal clear answer from the Lord!  She spent hours with me patiently explaining how to set up the blog.  It is definitely a work in progress.  Sometimes the blog will be about people that I have met in prison. I write to 7 females in two different prisons and 10 males in 4 different prisons.  What our God is doing in the lives of those who are incarcerated is nothing short of miraculous!!  Other times, I will be sharing a message that the Lord has put on my heart.  He is already flooding me with many things to share with you.  So, where do I go from here?  I believe it is to be one step at a time---or more correctly--one post on the blog at a time--always depending on the leading of His Holy Spirit and sharing with you that amazing river of life---His life---that he pours into our hearts bringing His unconditional love, grace, mercy and forgiveness.  Then that same river of life is to flow out of us to a world in desperate need of Him.  One of the last e-mails I sent out was about my Mother who passed away in April.  The message I gave at her funeral service is the first post on the blog.  She was my hero is life and this blog will always be in her memory--my precious mother who laid her life down so that my brother, sister and I could live.
A very talented artist, Kenneth, a young man I met while he was in prison, is painting a picture of the river of life flowing down to us. This picture will then be added to the blog. When he has it finished, I will let everyone know and hopefully, Kenneth will let me tell all of you his story--he is now out of prison and doing well:)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Aunt Carolyn! You are going to be a pro at this blogging thing in no time. I know you will touch a lot of people through your stories. I look forward to following along.
