I recently taught a Sunday School lesson to the youth at my church about how we can know if something is a lie. I gave each of them a one hundred dollar bill (play money) and told them what all we were going to do with the money. They all said it was not real money. I asked them how they knew it was not the real thing----because they knew what real money looks like. Experts in counterfeit money, spend all their time studying real money---they do not spend all their time studying counterfeit. That way, they know when money is fake because they KNOW the real thing! The only way we can know if something is a lie, a fake, a fraud, or a counterfeit, is to know the truth--the real thing.
What do we spend our time studying? A few weeks ago, the first thing I thought about when I got in my chair to pray was ISIS, Islam, terrorists, Allah, etc. I could not get it off my mind. I had recently watched several disturbing videos about ISIS and what they were teaching their children. I became so upset and disturbed and consumed with the evil of all of it. At prayer group, I asked what our response is to be to all this going on in our world. First of all, I was reminded that the Lord has already told us what to think on in Philippians 4:8--"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK on these things." The Word of God IS the truth and we must KNOW the truth so we will recognize a lie. The Lord reminded me of Psalms 37--"Do not fret yourself because of evil doers"---meaning to not worry, stress out, flip out, wring our hands over those doing evil--because He IS with us---it goes on to say "Trust in the Lord and do good"--that is what we are to do not fretting.. Then I was taken to Psalms 91-"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He IS my refuge, He IS my fortress and in Him will I trust. It goes on to say that "I will not be afraid of the terror by night" and then telling us "He shall give his angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways." I have been reading and meditating on these two Psalms---words of life---not concentrating and thinking on words of death coming from the terrorists. My friends also reminded me that even if America becomes Islamized and Sharia Law takes over, we KNOW the end of the story, we KNOW who wins---Our God!! We have read the end of the book---the Bible---we win because we are in Christ.!! Hallelujah!!
We have heard that Allah and our God are the same---we all worship the same God----This is simply not true. Our God is nothing like Allah. I tell the youth over and over that the god of Islam---Allah---asks his followers to die for him. That is why they are flying airplanes into buildings and blowing themselves up because they believe it is pleasing Allah and that 70 virgins wait them in paradise along with all the alcohol they can drink. These are lies that they have been taught since they were babies so of course they believe lies because they have not been taught the truth. I tell the youth that our God does not tell us to die for him, our God died FOR US!!! Islam is a religion of hate, the Quran tells to destroy all infidels (anyone not believing in Allah) with the sword. They hate Jews and they hate us next, we are the second satan to them. Our God says forgive our enemies, pray for them, do good to them and bless them---He does not tell us to kill them. I asked the youth what we are to do if a Mulsim family moves next door to us? Are we to throw our trash in their yard or be hateful to them? We are to LOVE our neighbors as we love ourselves. If we say we hate Muslims, we are hating what our God loves because He loves all people. But, we must be wise as serpents and know what the Word of God says---the truth----so that we will not be indoctrinated or taken in by the lies of the Islam religion.
We keep hearing that the majority of Muslims are peaceful, however, the peaceful majority is irrelevant to what the evil minority are doing in our world---just like the majority of the German people were peaceful during the World War 11, but it was irrelevant to what the evil minority under Hitler were doing.
Beloved, you and I MUST know the truth. The Word of God is the truth. Unfortunately, most never take the time to read and study this amazing book. It is LIFE to us, it brings healing and health to us. The truth is also a person---Jesus said "I am the way, the TRUTH and the life." We must KNOW our Lord---not just know about Him---so that when a fake comes, we will immediately recognize him. I tell the youth that Allah is a counterfeit, a fake, a fraud. He is not our Lord, our God IS the real deal!! Our God is the true God---the only wise, Almighty, All Powerful, All loving, all kind, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and His name is not Allah----His name is Jehovah God and there
is none like Him!!
Our Father God is still on the throne, He is not shaken and He is not moved, and as we stay in His Presence, we will not be shaken or moved by all the evil we see and hear.
We can know what we are thinking on and studying on by the words that come out of our mouth. May the living Word of God in our hearts, fly like arrows from our mouth!!! God has need of you to speak hope, encouragement, words of life to all those you meet each day. Amen and Amen